TRUST FOR SOCIAL ACHIEVEMENT FOUNDATION  (ТSА) is dedicated to helping people reach their full potential. They work to create opportunities for disadvantaged groups, with a focus on the Roma, 72% of whom currently live below the poverty line.

TSA are a grant-making, nongovernmental organization dedicated to reducing poverty and decreasing achievement gaps. Toward this end, they support activities in four program areas: First Foundations, Early Learning and Care, Educational Achievement, and Family Economic Success.

As a pioneer and an incubator for new approaches and ideas, TSA tests how best to tackle deeply rooted achievement gaps. Achieving scale and sustainability will take time and cooperation. This is why TSA values partnership and the creation of networks and coalitions of like-minded allies.

Their motto is “Together, we can make a difference!”

TSA provides financial support to NGOs working with vulnerable groups in the country. 

ТSА supports WWO Bulgaria to impement 

  • The Quality Education for Equal Start project aimed at initiating and developing local practices based on the European Quality Framework for Early Childhood Education and Care. The project is worth BGN 43,857 and was implemented between February 2019 – December 2020.
  • The Play to Have Chances project aimed at supporting the early childhood learning of children from vulnerable communities through the development of play-based programs in kindergartens and community centers in small villages. The project is worth BGN 38,000 and was implemented between September 2019 – December 2020.
  • ‘Building Capacity for Scaling Up of Early Learning Spaces’ project aims at increasing the capacity of local interested parties as well as that of WWO Bulgaria to explore effective solutions for a sustainable model of early childhood learning for vulnerable children groups from small towns and villages, which to ensure a long-term plan for the expansion of the network of early learning spaces on a national scale. The project is worth 83 770 leva and is with an implementation period of July 2022 to August 2023.
  • How to Raise Strong and Healthy Kids’ project is implemented by the WWO Bulgaria team in the Petrevene village in Lukovit and aims at increasing the knowledge and skills of pregnant women and mothers of young children about healthy nutrition of their children as well as motivating them to prepare diverse and age-appropriate food for their children. The project is worth 4106 leva and is with an implementation period of March 2021 to September 2021.

International Women’s Club Sofia (IWCS) is a non-governmental organization supporting newcomers to the country for better knowledge and understanding of Bulgaria.

Through its foundation, the IWCS supports the development of local groups and NGOs to effectively meet the needs of the most vulnerable groups – women’s issues, elderly people, children without parental care, people with disabilities, ethnic minorities.

IWCS supports WWO Bulgaria to implement:

  • The Growing by Playing project aimed at the early childhood learning through play of children from refugee families. The project is worth BGN 4989. 82 was implemented between April 2018 – September 2019.
  • The Learning Together project aimed at the social integration of refugee families through educational and social programs for children and parents. The project is worth BGN 5,000 and was implemented between June 2019 – December 2019.

The Bulgarian Fund for Women (BFW) is a non-governmental organization with over ten years of experience in women’s issues, which provides active financial and methodological support for local projects and initiatives aimed at empowering vulnerable groups of women.

BFW supports WWO Bulgaria in the implementation of:

  • My Lifestory Book project aims at supporting the integration and adaptation of refugee women with young children, oriented towards their professional and labor realization, by providing a Bulgarian language course. The project’s emphasis is on integrating their past experiences with the present. The project is worth BGN 2,000 and was implemented between October 2018 – December 2018.

The European Economic Area (EEA FM) Financial Mechanism 2009-2014, funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway, supports EU Member States in Central and Eastern Europe and the Baltic States in order to reduce economic and social disparities and strengthen bilateral relations between the beneficiary countries and the donor countries.

In Bulgaria, the priority sectors are environmental protection, renewable energy sources, restoration of cultural and natural heritage, public health initiatives, children and youth at risk, innovations for green industry, justice, and home affairs.

Within the framework of the EEA FM program for the period 2009 – 2014, through the operator for Bulgaria, the Workshop for Civic Initiatives Foundation, WWO Bulgaria received support for the implementation of:

  • The Mobile Toy Library project, which supports the early development and learning of children from vulnerable communities living in remote areas in the Targovishte region. The project is worth 19,017 EUR, and was implemented between November 2014 – October 2015.


Within the на EIA FM 2014–2021, the Active Citizens Fund program (Active Citizens Fund)  part of priority sector „Culturecivil society and basic rights and freedoms“, one of the five priority sectorsagreed between the donors and the European Union. The Fund aims at „strengthened civil societyactive citizens and empowered vulnerable groups and supports the long-term sustainability and capacity of the civil sectorstrenthening its role in encouraging на democratic participation, active citizenship and human rights. 


Active Citizens Fund supports WWO Bulgaria for the implementation of: 

  • ‘Steps for Sustainable Development’ project, aiming at increasing the capacity of WWO Bulgaria and the organizations who are members of the learning spaces network as a part of the Element of Play® program, for a sustainable development through specific actions related to building fundraising skills, effective communication and monitoring. The project is worth 10 000 euro, with an implementation period of October 2020 – October 2021.
  • Sure Restart in a Post-Pandemic situation’ project, which aims at supporting WWO Bulgaria and the organizations who are members of the learning spaces network as a part of the Element of Play® program, to develop their procedures and policies related to working in pandemic conditions, as well as creating and implementing a program for development of the social skills of young parents in vulnerable communities.


THE ’GOOD GOVERNANCE’ OPERATIONAL PROGRAM is Bulgaria’s main tool for the realization of the administrative and judicial reform, including the introduction of the electronic governance. The ‘Good Governance’ operational program is developed in a partnership between all interested parties from the administration, judicial system and the civil sector.

  • ‘Early Childhood Development – Shared Care and Responsibility of the Society’ The aim of the project is to improve the well-being of all Bulgarian children, their right to receive quality and affordable institutional and informal services. With the implementation of the planned activities, we aim to contribute to increasing the active participation of NGOs in formulating and implementing policies, and to share our expertise with a network of NGOs working in the field of early childhood development.


BCause Foundation is an expert organization, a recognized leader with more than 25 years’ experience at national and international level (since 1995). We encourage people, organizations and communities to transform their lives, by developing the giving culture and social investment.

We offer companies and people a choice of important causes; security, and easy ways to give (money, time and labor); which brings them satisfaction with the benefits to society.

We channel donor resources and contribute to the financial and organizational strengthening of civil society organizations and public institutions such as schools, libraries and museums.

We promote and support donation causes.

We support donors and social entrepreneurs with personalized, high added value services.

We influence policies and culture in the field of donation and social investment through research, government consultations and special communication projects.

Since 2014, the BCause Foundation has a Rinker Center for Entrepreneurship and Training set up to promote education, lifelong learning and support entrepreneurship and business development in Bulgaria.

  • The ‘Learning for Inclusion’ project is a part of the ‘BCause’ foundation’s ‘New Beginning’ program. The project aims to support the preparation of Ukrainian children of war-refugee families, aged 3 to 7, to become a part of the formal educational system in Bulgaria. For this purpose, the project will arrange face-to-face work with children based on the Element of Play programs®, Bulgarian language course for parents and sociocultural events for the families.


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